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Maplestory Europe's Union
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 Manji Union rules

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Posts : 1056
Join date : 2012-02-29
Age : 32
Location : The Netherlands

Manji Union rules Empty
PostSubject: Manji Union rules   Manji Union rules I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 26, 2012 12:42 am

Please be sure to read all the details here before applying.

Manji Union Rules


Manji Union structure:

- Exiles (main guild)
- Exilum (jr. guild)
- Commanders
- Dalmasca
- RedLounge

- Manji union is formed by Exiles, Commanders, Dalmasca, RedLounge and the following junior guild Exilum.


Union Rules:

1. Respect the Union and its members

2. Any form of abusive behaviours is not allowed:

Scam-, Hack-, Ks-ing other players in the game will not be tolerated and may result in permanent expulsion.

3. Do not ill-treat the union/guild chat. The following activities are forbidden in the chat and may result in expulsion:

a) spamming
b) disputing with others
c) taking advantage of others (i.e. merching)
d) and other types of unethical actions

4. Any activities involving usage of duplicated / hacked items are not allowed. Such activities include:

a) buying / selling duplicated items or scrolls for personal gain
b) using duplicated / hacked equipment or weapon

5. Discriminating comments are NOT allowed: any form of racial or sexual discrimination will result in permanent expulsion.

6. Approved language in Manji is English; using other languages in union/guild chat is not recommended and doing so frequently is not allowed.

- It is rude to speak a language in front of others who do not speak the language.

7. Applying to another guild will lead to immediate kick.

8. Please contact your Master or Jr.Master if you notice any abusive or offensive behaviours.
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